Invited by SociaLink to meet and explore opportunities for collaboration, all those providing services in the neurodiverse sector first met in November 2019. A name, vison and mission statement as well as a logo were adopted. Monthly meetings continue where members network, share updates, invite guest speakers etc.
Since 2019, the collective group has :
- Supported the Light up the Night 10 October 2020 event organised by Dan, a DJ with his own experience of autism.
- Submission via Hon Jan Tinetti in 2022 to the new minister for disability
- A training event in 2022 for families in collaboration with Altogether Autism
- Family movie day in 2022
- Contributions made 2022-2023 to the DHB CHIRP (Child Health Integrated Response Pathways) project
- Collaboration with BB NZ (Stu Thompson) to offer a 3 year woodwork based pilot programme for children. Children from years 4-10 can be referred to attend for 2 terms to gain social and other skills.
- 2024 – Scoping out the Adults with Neurodiversity Project
- Creating the WBOP Service Providers Supporting Neurodiversity Map and Directory (2024) – a joint project between SociaLink and Spectrum Collective Takiwātanga, a starting point for the social, health and education sectors when directing enquiries for support around neurodivergency.