
Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Within our organisation, we commit to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Treaty of Waitangi; in recognition that Māori still disproportionately experience negative health, education, housing and social outcomes.  We honour (1) the ‘obligations to the articles in Tiriti o Waitangi’ and (2) the ‘principles of the Treaty of Waitangi’

We are committed to honouring our obligations to the articles in Te Tiriti o Waitangi:

  • Kawanatanga: Governance by the Crown –  (Tangata Tiriti)
  • Tino Rangatiratanga: Rights of Māori to have undisturbed possession of their taonga) and
  • Ōritetanga: Full citzenship and rights of Māori – (Tangata Whenua/Mana Whenua)

We are also committed to honouring the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi:

  • Partnership: We will fulfil our Tiriti/Treaty obligations and continue to promote respectful and enduring partnerships with Māori.
  • Protection: Te Ao Māori is braided into the work and ethos of our organisation. We ensure Māori perspectives and interests, and the integrity and use of te Reo Māori me ngā tikanga Māori are protected and maintained.
  • Participation: Our workplace is a culturally inclusive environment based on integrity and trust. We actively support Māori to participate and contribute to improving outcomes for Māori in the social sector.

For those interested in more details on the differences between the two versions of Te Tiriti of Waitangi, Treaty of Waitangi, here is a link to NZ History:


He aha te mea nui o te ao
What is the most important thing in the world?


 He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people

Te Tiriti Waitangi



Ngā Rerenga o Te Tiriti: Community organisations engaging with the Treaty of Waitangi
This resource is intended for community organisations in Aotearoa that have been established under the authority of the New Zealand government, and whose rights and responsibilities are linked to those of the Crown.  It is not intended for organisations established under hapū authority. Resource published in 2016 by Treaty Resource Centre. 

Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand – The Treaty of Waitangi
This section of Te Ara provides a comprehensive look at the Treaty of Waitangi, including its history, principles, the Waitangi tribunal and the settlement process. It also includes a blog post and the words of the Treaty.

NZHistory – Treaty of Waitangi
NZ History provides a range of resources about the Treaty of Waitangi and Waitangi Day. The site offers ideas for use within the classroom, a media gallery and a Treaty timeline.

Treaty Resource Centre – He Puna Mātauranga o Te Tiriti
Working with organisations wherever they are on the Treaty journey.

Book: Treaty of Waitangi: Past and Present by Ruth Naumann

Te Reo Māori Courses


Treaty and Cultural Competency Training


Treaty of Waitangi Workshops in Disability Services

Targeted at community groups, service providers and government agencies to educate, inform and bring about awareness and understanding around Treaty issues and disabled Maori (whānau hauā).

Treaty of Waitangi and cultural competence course

A brief introduction to the Treaty of Waitangi and to the related topic of cultural competence. It is designed as staff training for organisations in the health sector but is relevant to other sectors as well.

Foundation Course in Cultural Competency (online)

To build your understanding of cultural competency and health literacy in New Zealand, with a focus on improving Māori health outcomes. The multimedia, interactive course is a voluntary programme and is spread across four modules and is available for all people working in the health sector. Each training module is supported by videos, video transcripts, additional reading resources and library references.

Cultural Safety Training

If your organisation is interested in cultural safety training, please contact SociaLink:

What is a Kaupapa Māori Service?

A Kaupapa Māori approach seeks positive outcomes for the collective of the whānau, hapū (subtribe) and iwi (tribal groupings). It is a holistic approach that asserts Māori language and cultural values. The recognition of Māori epistemologies, rights and practices of how Māori view the world is fundamental to the survival of Māori indigenous identity. The need to raise a critical voice and action Māori concerns in regards to Te Tiriti o Waitangi is pertinent to Kaupapa Māori, especially when resources are consistently diminishing.

History of Tauranga Moana



Story: Tauranga Moana
Te Ara overview of history of Tauranga, written by Te Awanuiārangi Black.

List of books on local history
Those interested in the History of Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty will find this list of books useful.

Video: Tauranga moana elders tell the history of Mauao Mountain
3 part series made by Waka Huia TVNZ on You Tube

Book: Victory At Gate Pa? The Battle of Pukehinahina – Gate Pa: 1864 by Buddy Mikaere & Cliff Simons

What does Whanau Ora mean?

In its simplest form, the Māori definition of whānau means ‘family’ and ‘Ora’ means wellness, so Whānau Ora is referred to as Family wellness.

The Whānau Ora approach focuses on building strong trusting relationships, alongside whānau, to facilitate long term sustainable and positive outcomes. There is good evidence of strength-based approaches and practices that focuses on self-determination.

Whānau Ora will work in a range of ways, influenced by the approach the whānau chooses to take. Some whānau will want to come up with ways of improving their own lives and may want to work on this with a hapū, iwi or a non‐government organisation (NGO).

Other whānau will want to seek help from specialist Whānau Ora providers who will offer wrap-around services tailored to their needs. Whānau will have a practitioner or ‘navigator’ to work with them to identify their needs, help develop a plan to address those needs and broker their access to a range of health and social services.

Unlike traditional health and social supports, which tend to assist individual family members; whānau ora differs by working with whānau as a whole. The idea of working as a whole, sits at the heart of Māori tikanga (values).