
Meet Jake Van Silfhout

Jake Van Silfhout - Data Analyst Jacob, known as Jake, (Ngāti Pūkenga, Ngāti Ranginui) is Tauranga born and bred andbecause of his parents’ jobs, started his working life in the horticulture industry. Then hetrained in electrical, electronic and software engineering...

Directory launched for those supporting neurodiversity

SociaLink and Spectrum Collective Takiwātanga have launched a map and directory for those in the social, health or education sector managing neurodiverse clients. SociaLink supports the Western Bay of Plenty social and community sector, and Spectrum Collective...

Maori Governance

Māori GovernanceThe Māori Governance Video Toolkit is presented by Community Aotearoa to enhance the knowledge and skills of Māori Trustees.  It covers: Introduction Māori Governance Toolkit Videos  Principles of Māori Governance Māori Governance Structures Examples...

Meet Nicki Turner

Our new Volunteering Support and Engagement person is Nicki Turner.Nicki was born and bred in Tauranga but has been away for 30 years, working in Pukekohein the disabled and social service sector. She worked for Blind Low Vision in NeedsAssessment for the midcentral...

Meet Jana Hood

Jana Hood - SociaLink Support Services Jana Hood is the person you should talk to if you need a bit of help taming your admin. This is a service SociaLink is offering our members, to help them out of a tight spot. If you know your systems are in a mess, or just...

Whakamana Tangata

Kei konei mātou hei āwhina i a koe? How can we help you?We are excited to offer you Whakamana Tangata. This programme has been developed to support Hāpori Māori by strengthening their capability and capacity to access funding and achieve their goals. Working alongside...

Kaupapa Māori

Uhia te korowaikahui ki te iwi hei tauawhi,hei akiaki ki te ao angitu Spread the folds of the korowai to all,as a means of support and encouragement in pursuit of successAnei tō korowai – ōu, mauria, ka horahia ki te iwi, haere mai ki te mahi haumaru, ki te mahi i te...

Kaitautoko Māori (new format)

Ahakoa ki uhi te tahi ka tonuTE TOKA O TIRIKAWADespite all adversity - We will stand strongKa tautoko mātou me te tupuranga e te aro ana ki ngā oranga o te tangata whenua me te hāpori Māori. Supporting Hāpori Māori in the Social Sector –  growth and development that...