Destiny Leaf full photo 1 213x300 - Meet Destiny LeafDestiny Leaf – Kairuruku Whakamana Tangata

Papaki tū ana ngā tai ki Mauao
I nekenekehia, i nukunukuhia ki Te Awanui
Te waka tūpuna o Takitimu i kawe mai e o tātou mātua tūpuna o Ngāti Ranginui
He mihi maioha mai i te awa o Wairoa
He wai oranga mō mātou o Te Pirirākau
E hono ana ngā kāwai whakaheke ki ngā marae o Poutūterangi, o Paparoa, o Tawhitinui, o Tutereinga hoki
Ko au he mokopuna o te whānau Tarau, o te whānau Ririnui e mihi kau atu ana ki a koutou katoa

Tauranga Moana, Tauranga tangata, Tauranga ngā waka e!

Destiny joins us from an extensive background of whānau, hapū and iwi mahi from the kautā to the boardroom and all the places in-between.
She currently serves on a number of committees including Te Rangapū o Ngā Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana and Te Kāhui Mana Whenua o Tauranga Moana advocating for the needs of her iwi at a local government level.
Born and raised on her papakāinga in Te Puna with her kuia and koroua, she maintains ahi kā and is an advocate of the long-term survival and prosperity of her hapū, Pirirākau, her iwi Ngāti Ranginui and furthermore the communities of Tauranga Moana.
Kaupapa-driven and a passionate mover and shaker, Destiny encapsulates the whakatauaki “He waka eke noa” and the notion of Kotahitanga – Collectively working together with a unified voice enables everyone to achieve!