Child Poverty Action Group
The local CPAG is an open group and anyone is welcome to attend and participate.
CPAG is a national charity founded in 1994 which works to eliminate child poverty in New Zealand through research, education and advocacy. The local chapter, CPAG WBOP, has become a well established collaborative that hosted three post-Budget events to date, providing in-depth analysis of the annual May Budget alongside commentary on child poverty issues via a speaker panel. The 2022 speakers can be accessed via this link.
CPAG WBOP is also collecting local data and “shopping basket” data via Community Insights, funded by Baytrust.
In 2024 CPAG WBOP’s focus is on building a following for its newly created LinkedIn group profile with the aim of providing a platform for those in the WBOP to engage in commentary and posts regarding the ongoing child poverty crisis in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Please get in touch with Charlotte van Doorn for more information:
E: charlotte@socialink.org.nz
M: 021 193 2618
Poipoia te kakano
Kia puawai
Nurture the seed and it will blossom
Māori Proverb
Child Poverty Report 2022
This report uses a variety of data sources to measure indicators and impacts of poverty for households with children, covering the period to June 2022. Read the full report here.
Child Poverty Measures
Read about the governments measures, targets and indicators
Budget Commentary
Read commentaries on the 2022/23 budget from a child poverty perspective