
Addressing and Improving Social and Community Issues

Links and information on research, methods, case studies and commentary on improving social conditions and reducing issues such as isolation, poverty, homelessness and other issues.

The Workshop

At The Workshop we carry out research to help you communicate in ways that will build public support for policies and practices for a more inclusive and sustainable world. There are two main approaches we take to this research, either a full toolkit project, or a shorter message guide project.

Publications include how to talk about poverty and welfare reform in Aotearoa; talking about crime and justice, cannabis, child and family wellbeing.

Read more here

Social Wellbeing Agency

Formerly the Social Investment Agency, the Social Wellbeing Agency was set up on 19 March 2020, and is hosted within the government’s Public Service Commission. We uses a broad and inclusive set of wellbeing measures that tell us whether people are leading full, meaningful lives. We create tools and practices to target gaps in the social sector’s knowledge. We partner with the social sector, combining science, data and lived experience to draw insights that are enriched by whānau voices.

Learn what a social wellbeing approach looks like in practice. Read a Social Wellbeing Agency case study at this link.

Family Violence Clearing House

The National centre for family and whānau violence research and information.

Information, data summaries, issues papers, selected reports, articles and resources.

Read more here