Social Security Amendment Bill – submissions due by noon Fri 24 Jan 2025

Social Security Amendment Bill – submissions due by noon Fri 24 Jan 2025

By Liz Davies, Chief Executive, SociaLink/Tūhono Pāpori

I hope everyone has had a wonderful break and have been able to soak in the lovely weather as you celebrated the New Year.  At the risk of sounding like the Grinch, I do want to alert you to the Social Security Amendment Bill which SociaLink only became aware just before Christmas. Submissions close noon on Friday 24 January [edit: deadline was extended], hence wanting to let you know about how this Bill is likely to impact on you in case you wish to make a submission.

From May 2025 the sanctions regime will be strengthened for MSD clients with work and social related obligations; in the absence of other supports, MSD clients who do not meet their obligations are likely to turn to social service providers and community organisations for help with food, housing and other essentials. SociaLink is very conscious that social service providers and community organisations are already very stretched so an increased demand for service maybe a real struggle for many organisations.

Secondly, the Bill is planning to introduce community work experience as a non-financial sanction for a minimum of 5 hours per week, for a minimum of 4 weeks, at a community or voluntary organisation from July 2025. This means you may find MSD clients contacting you seeking community work experience. SociaLink is concerned that organisations are not resourced to provide this work experience and may not have suitable work to offer these MSD clients.

SociaLink will be submitting, raising a range of concerns, and if you have concerns we encourage you to also prepare a submission. Please contact Liz Stewart ( from 7 January if you need any help in preparing a submission by 24 January [edit].

Below is a link to the Bill and to making an online submission:

 [edit: click here to see SociaLink’s submission]

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