Tō Mātou Tīma - Our Team

Kylie Valentine


Ko tēnei tōku pepeha me tōku whakapapa i te taha o tōku māmā.

Ko Taranaki tōku Maunga

Ko Te Henui tōku awa

Ko Waterman tōku waka

Ko Dutch tōku iwi

No Tauranga ahau

Ko Kylie Valentine tōku ingoa.

Kylie is a member of the Tauranga Girls’ College leadership team and has been involved in education in Tauranga Moana for over 20 years.  She is committed to equity and excellence and supporting and building the capability of all to reach their potential.

Her current role includes strategic planning, professional learning and capability building, pedagogy shift, curriculum development and pastoral care.

Kylie brings her experience and passion for collaboration and innovation, connecting communities, strategic planning and capability building to the SociaLink board mahi.