Tō Mātou Tīma - Our Team

Te Uta Roretana

Tangata Whenua Trustee

Ko Mauao Te Maunga

Te Awanui Te Moana

Mataatua Te Waka

Ngai Te Rangi me Ngati Ranginui Nga Iwi

Ngai Tamawhariua Ngati Tauaiti me Te Whanau A Tauwhao oku Hapu

Te Rangihouhiri, Te Kutaroa me Rangiwaea oku Marae

I tipu ai au I te tino pito o te Ao – ko te Moutere o Matakana tera

He uri au no te whanau Roretana.

Mauri Oho – Mauri Tu – Mauri Ora

My name is Te Uta Roretana my claim to fame is my 5 children, 3 of whom didn’t have a choice, and 2 chose me. I have 13 mokopuna and 2 mokomoko. I spent 25 years working in mental health and a few years in the Justice Department. I have been a part of the SociaLink whanau for almost 12 months now and it has been a very interesting journey in terms of the movement towards co-governance. Just a case of – “ Watch this space”.