SociaLink is a collaborative charitable trust that was established in 2012 to empower, build and serve the tangata whenua, community and social sectors in the Western Bay of Plenty. For more information about how we work and what we have planned download a copy of our Strategic Plan.
If you’re new to the social sector, download a copy of our Orientation Guide to find out what you need to know about the Western Bay Of Plenty social sector. It’s a great place to get started.
A resourced, skilled and cohesive for-purpose sector enabling communities to flourish.
He rāngai whakatōpū, whai rawa, hei whakakaha i ngā hāpori kia puāwai.
Building the capability, confidence, sustainability and voice of community organisations in the Western Bay of Plenty.
Kia whakawhanake he hua kaha, he hua maia, he hua toitū hei māngai mō ngā rātonga ā hāpori o ngā rohe o Te Tai Hauauru o te Moana o Toi.
The way we work – Te āhua o ta tātau mahi
The sector sought a vehicle to facilitate capability building within the sector, to provide a collective social sector voice and become more connected to and valued in community, city and regional decision making.
The Social Sector Innovation WBOP Charitable Trust was formed.
Public workshop at the Historic Village to determine the needs of the social sector
First informal minuted meeting at Bay Trust
First AGM
Charitable Trust status
First networking meeting held
Submission to the Productivity Commission – more effective social services Inquiry
First public event: Thinking and Working Smarter – Funders Forum
Re-branded to ‘SociaLink Tauranga Moana’
Mapping the sector project discussed as project 9A3 with SmartGrowth
Recruited General Manager
SociaLink fully funded by a collaboration of TECT, Bay Trust, and Acorn Foundation
Recruited Manager for The Kollective
Recruited staff for Collaboration, Organisational Support, Māori Engagement, Research, Policy & Advocacy, Income Generation
The Kollective opens
Mapping the Social Sector findings launched and disseminated
Ngāi Tamarāwaho gifts whakatauki to SociaLink which serves as a guiding principle in our efforts to support the community and social sector within the Western Bay of Plenty communities.
SociaLink board introduced a co-governance model by creating a Tangata Whenua caucus
and a Tangata Tiriti caucus
Establishment of the Community Insights team
SociaLink acquired Volunteering Bay of Plenty and began delivery of volunteering services.
Celebrated SociaLink’s 10 th birthday
Commenced Whakamana Tangata three year pilot to support Hapori Māori by strengthening their capability and capacity to access funding and achieve their goals.
Commenced a two-year pilot of SociaLink Office Support offering for purpose organisations with senior business administration skills at a subsidised rate that can help organisations with accounting, website, CRM’s policies and procedures, systems etc.
Launched Business Heroes directory to match for purpose organisations with businesses offering a wide range of services at a discounted rate.
SociaLink to review its strategic plan 2022-2025 and develop a Māori Strategy.
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Registered as Social Sector Innovation WBOP Charitable Trust Number CC50192
The Kollective -TK 145 17th Avenue, Tauranga South, Tauranga 311
Copyright © 2024 SociaLink. All rights reserved.