Do you know how much it really costs you to deliver a service or programme? If you don’t know the costs of delivering the service, how can you communicate it to others, including funders? Often organisations undervalue the services and programmes they deliver simply...
Support & Resources
Key Update from Minister Nicola Willis about Social Investment
By Liz Davies, Chief Executive, SociaLink/Tūhono Pāpori You may have attended a webinar, along with about 800 others, in late November hosted by Hui E!, to which Minister Nicola Willis presented about social investment. I won’t go through the whole webinar, as a...
Strategies to Improve Financial Sustainability
By Liz Davies, Chief Executive, SociaLink/Tūhono Pāpori SociaLink held a workshop in late November for organisations interested in effectively positioning their organisation to navigate changes in funding. We talked about the recent social sector research,...
Social Investment Explainer available now
The current Government has announced its commitment to a Social Investment approach. In addition to her role as Finance Minister, Nicola Willis has also been appointed Minister for Social Investment. What's SOCIAL INVESTMENT all about and how could it impact your...
Conscious Governance TV
Conscious Governance TV Using Your Vision Statement to Guide You This brief video on Conscious Governance TV offers valuable insights into determining the relevance of you vision statement and leveraging it as an effective tool to drive strategic conversations....
Mentoring to help not-for-profits
SociaLink is offering mentoring opportunities for not-for-profit organisations in the Western Bay to help them grow staff capabilities. SociaLink Mentoring Coordinator Christa George is keen to hear from anyone with leadership experience who can work with people such...
What is strategic awareness
8 ways you can begin to use it in business and in life Strategic awareness rarely features in modern textbooks on management, yet is something that can fundamentally change conversations and decision-making at the Board level. In essence, strategic awareness is the...
Social Sector Commissioning
Action Plan and Reform Work is underway across government agencies (jointly led by the Ministry of Social Development and Oranga Tamariki) to improve the commissioning of social services in New Zealand. Keri Huurdeman presented to a crowd of around 40 people at the...
Legal Help for Not for Profits
While Community Law Centres are often able to help charities/not-for-profits with legal advice, if they do not have the capacity or expertise to assist, then they can refer these organisations to Te Ara Ture: an online portal that was launched in 2021 to connect...
Trustees and Funding: Ensuring your organisation is resourced
Author: Megan Thorn Governance refers to the decisions, processes, activities, and relationships of your governing group that make sure your organisation is effectively and properly run. Your governing group, the board of trustees, the committee, management committee,...
My (Pakeha) experience of navigating and experiencing co-governance
I am the General Manager of SociaLink, a peak body that aims to empower, connect and build the capability of for-purpose organisations and the overall social and community sector in the western Bay of Plenty. In the same way Chambers of Commerce support businesses,...
Community Governance Learning 2022
Here is a compilation of all of the Board Talks held by Community Governance in 2022 in one handy pack. It's full of tips and resources for you to read when you need it. Featuring: Don’t Just Rely on the Treasurer Governance Pathways and What it Takes to be a Board...