Do you know how much it really costs you to deliver a service or programme? If you don’t know the costs of delivering the service, how can you communicate it to others, including funders? Often organisations undervalue the services and programmes they deliver simply...
Month: December 2024
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Key Update from Minister Nicola Willis about Social Investment
By Liz Davies, Chief Executive, SociaLink/Tūhono Pāpori You may have attended a webinar, along with about 800 others, in late November hosted by Hui E!, to which Minister Nicola Willis presented about social investment. I won’t go through the whole webinar, as a...
Strategies to Improve Financial Sustainability
By Liz Davies, Chief Executive, SociaLink/Tūhono Pāpori SociaLink held a workshop in late November for organisations interested in effectively positioning their organisation to navigate changes in funding. We talked about the recent social sector research,...