Tō Mātou Tīma - Our Team​

After years in tech-startups and the commercial space I'm tired of making rich people richer. I want to use my shoe-string-budget start-up mentality and operations experience to help not for profits make a difference in our communities.

Jana Hood

SociaLink Operational Support (SOS) Program Lead
Ko wai au?

Ko Rocky Mountains te maunga

Ko Great Sale Lake te moana

Nō Salt Lake Valley ahau

Ko Hood tōku whānau

Ko Jana tōku ingoa

Experience & Expertise:
What I can Help With:

I provide hands-on support and services to for-purpose organisations at a heavily subsidised rate.

Favourite Quote:

The future belongs to these who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

SociaLink Services I Support:
(Click to view)