Tō Mātou Tīma - Our Team​

Originally my whānau hail from the beautiful and bustling town of Kawerau, however I moved to Tauranga Moana when I was very young and have been lucky enough to call this place my home ever since.

Morgan Coates

Operations Support
Ko wai au?

Ko Pūtāuaki te maunga

Ko Rangitaiki te awa

Ko Mataatua te waka 

Ko Ngāti Awa te iwi 

Te Pahipoto te hapū 

Ko Kōkōhinau te marae


Ko Morgan tōku ingoa

What I DO:

As Operations Support here at Tūhono Pāpori/SociaLink, I work within our Operations team. My mahi can see me doing a range of administration tasks from arranging catering, organising hui, or taking minutes, to troubleshooting any issues and creating forms and internal documents. 

SociaLink Services I Support:
(Click to view)