Outside work I’m Area Coordinator for Neighbourhood Support in Omanu and live with a now elderly and neurotic black cat called Scoot, who may one day become the subject of a series of children’s books. If he ever lets me write on my laptop instead of sleeping on it.
Ko Te Mata tōku maunga
Ko Tukituki tōku awa
Nō Te Matau-a-Māui ahau
Ko Ngāti Pākehā tōku iwi
E noho ana au ki Omanu
Ko Linda tōku ingoa
I’ve spent many years in newspapers and radio as a journalist and news editor, and I’ve produced a couple of history books. I’ve also worked in emergency management as Public Information Manager during a number of national events, as a travel writer and content editor for NZME, and still write regular book reviews for newspapers. I’m also a photographer, so travel provides plenty of opportunity for photography.
I write our media releases, take care of social media, and develop communications plans for larger projects. I also edit all kinds of content – Annual Reports, blogs, submissions, papers – so it’s readable for everyone, and photograph events.
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