Discussion on child poverty in Tauranga to follow Budget


Child Poverty Action Group Western Bay of Plenty is holding a post-Budget interactive discussion focusing on child poverty at the end of May.

The free event will be held at the Village Hall, Historic Village at 5.30pm on May 31. National CPAG Chairman Alan Johnson said with the national elections coming up in October, the event is an opportunity to discuss the Budget’s ramifications on child poverty and in general the effects of wealth inequity in Aotearoa NZ.

“With the Cost of living crisis ongoing, child poverty must remain a topic for discussion.”

CPAG will present a summary of the Budget, followed by renowned speaker Dr Innes Asher, Emeritus Professor – paediatrics. A local panel of representatives will share examples highlighting the impact of poverty on pre-schoolers, rangatahi and those with disabilities.

They will also speak about solutions that can make a positive impact on a child’s life, he said.

“The evening will finish with round table discussions – your opportunity to speak to like-minded people, share ideas, put forward solutions that CPAG may be able to progress and highlight as the October election draws closer,” he said.

Finger food and non-alcoholic refreshments will be served.

Book a place at: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/addressing-poverty-an-interactive-post-budget-2023-discussion-event-tickets-615401160437