Year: 2022

Waipu Hauora makes use of data insights

SociaLink’s Community Insights service is helping Waipu Hauora’s health and wellness service do more with the information it collects on the people it serves. The Hauora, based at Hungahungatoroa Marae, is the main health and social service provider for the community...

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Rārangi Hiahia

The Māori Social Sector Needs Assessment was carried out during November 2021 - January 2022 via a survey and a series of  personal interviews. Read about what Māori providers need and want.

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Families delighted with digital help

Families in need throughout the western Bay of Plenty are getting their children online for school, thanks to 50 Chromebooks funded by a group of funders. The 50 laptops for families in need have been funded by Western Bay of Plenty’s Covid-19 Recovery Fund,...

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Board Intern Programme 2022

Tauranga City Council and its council-controlled organisations (CCOs) are pleased to announce its inaugural Board Intern programme. This programme aims to increase diversity on our CCO boards and to provide a pipeline of prospective board members. The potential...

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Māori mental health trust looks for tutors

A Tauranga Māori mental health trust is looking for instructors who can teach traditional crafts to people struggling with mental health issues. Kessie Kohu of Rau Ō Te Huia Community Trust, which operates from 20th Avenue, says learning traditional crafts such as...

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COVID-19 Message Grid – 10 February 2022

This contains the most up-to-date and approved messaging on key COVID-19 matters. Information that changes or is added between grids will be highlighted. Please ensure you are using the most up to date version. This version was current at 10/02/2022 5:04 pm. Download...

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Mentoring on offer for social agencies

SociaLink, the umbrella organisation for Western Bay of Plenty social agencies and charities, is looking for experienced local leaders to mentor up-and-coming managers in the not-for-profit sector. SociaLink has appointed a Mentoring Programme Coordinator to link...

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Work Vaccine Mandates – are they lawful?

“We are confident and comfortable in the approach we took, including with our risk assessment to arrive at our decision to introduce a vaccine mandate. Every individual company needs to undertake their own risk assessment and get advice as it pertains to their own...

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