SociaLink launches website to share social agencies’ data


Liz Flaherty and Liz Stewart viewing Data Dashboard 300x135 - SociaLink launches website to share social agencies’ data

Liz Flaherty and SociaLink Policy Advisor Liz Stewart check out the dashboard

SociaLink has launched a new website this week which makes evidence-based information available for community groups about the communities they serve and the social issues they are facing. 

SociaLink is the umbrella organisation for social agencies in the Western Bay of Plenty. The new website,, will provide Western Bay of Plenty community organisations with up-to-date analysis and data based on external national and regional social datasets.

“We’re providing a local data repository and data support centre which encourages growth in sector-wide insights to better inform planning, policy and best practice across community and social organisations around the Western Bay of Plenty,” says Community Insights manager Liz Flaherty.

“SociaLink’s Community Insights, established in 2020, helps the Western Bay of Plenty social sector build confidence, skills and trust in using data to inform and enhance the work we all do,” she said.

“Our new website brings together information about the services and support Community Insights offers, along with data resources relevant to the community and social sector. 

 “The community sector is rich with information about what is happening for individuals and families on the ground in our communities. Leveraging this data will help us gain insights to enable us to provide stronger, more joined-up and targeted services to those in need. 

“In the social services we’ve always been more focused on the people than the numbers. Community Insights works side by side with community groups to build skills and confidence in using numbers, to enable us to work smarter with the people who walk through our doors.

“We will be regularly adding more resources to the website – coming online soon our social data dashboards which are currently in testing stages.”  

Groups can keep checking in to see how the site is progressing with making data resources and insights more accessible to not-for-profit groups and communities.