Training Needs Analysis



“How can I plan professional development and training for my staff and know what to put in the budget to allow them to get what they need and what we can afford?”


Training Needs Analysis

How do you currently decide what type of internal training you want your team to attend? It can be a challenge to make sure you are picking the correct training for each team member, and ensuring your team get the most benefit from the training you have selected.

What Is Training Needs Analysis?

Training needs analysis is a process that a business goes through in order to determine all the training that needs to be completed in a certain period to allow their team to complete their job as effectively as possible, as well as progress and grow.

There are 3 key steps involved in training needs analysis to ensure your business is making the most of the process:

  1. Decide On Skill Sets
    The first stage is to decide on the skill sets that you require all your team members to have in order to do their jobs properly. This means looking at every job role within your business separately and considering things like the different departments or levels of seniority which will affect this as well.
  2. Evaluate The Skills Of Staff
    The second stage is to look at all your team members and evaluate their current skill levels in relation to the skills you have laid out in the first stage of this process. This will allow you to see who is meeting your expectations, and who needs to complete further training in order to meet the expected skill level.
  3. Highlight The Skills Gap
    Now that you know where you want your team to be and the level they are currently at, you will easily be able to see the gap (if any) that has appeared between the two. Now you know what the gap is, you need to use training to help close that gap and ensure your team is at the level you expect them to be.

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