Council Long Term Plans

Advocacy, Research

Bay of Plenty Regional Council Long Term Plan (LTP)

Feedback due by 4pm 22 March 2021


Four main areas are being consulted on:

Climate Change Projects

  • What specific climate change projects should the Regional Council fund? (eg coordinated approach to risk assessment and adaption; community conversations climate change forum; education and engagement)

Sustainability Funding

  • Increasing the efficiency of household energy use including partial grants or low interest loans for low income households to help them install solar power, insulation, clean heating.

Public Transport Fares

  • Option of offering region wide free bus fares for school children, tertiary students and Community Services Card holders and region-wide flat fares for buses.

Regional Safety and Rescue Services

  • Looking at level of funding provided for these charitable services such as surf lifesaving.

The Community Initiatives Fund is open for applications as part of the process of submitting to the LTP. The fund was established to support projects that support/enhance the work of Council and are not eligible for other Council funding.


Western Bay of Plenty District Council (WBOPDC) LONG TERM PLAN 2021-31


Community building

  • Council will contribute funding for collaborative networks e.g. Safer Communities, Welcoming Communities and Age friendly Communities
  • Through the Community Matching Fund, Council will support organisations that deliver local services and actions to achieve local community aspirations
  • Council will fund and support
    • strengths based community planning processes
    • events and activities that promote social and cultural wellbeing
    • development of iwi and hapu management plans that enable participation in decision making
    • marae sustainability and papakainga
    • delivery of actions in the Housing Action Plan including the Regional Healthy Housing Programme, work with Councils, tangata whenua and central government to address housing challenges and are proposing to upgrade and increase elder housing (loan fund up to 20 new units in the next 10 years)
  • Support local community response and marae preparedness planning in emergencies
  • Contribute funding to the Tauranga Citizens Advice Bureau, Katikati Community Centre, CoLab and SociaLink

Wellbeing Plans

‘The knowledge of what makes a great community sits within that community’ is the overriding principle of these plans.  The plans were developed using a community led approach, including collating data and research what was already known about these communities, with Council support.  Wellbeing plans were developed by and for tangata whenua and the 3 wards – Katikati-Waihi Beach, Kaimai and Te Puke-Maketu.

Four key areas were identified through working with communities:

  • Older people – creating environments and connections where older people are valued and able to participate
  • Digital enablement – access to technology and resources t bridget the ‘digital divide’
  • Young people – creating environments and connections where young people have a sense of belonging and pathways to employment
  • Events that contribute to social, cultural and economic wellbeing in our communities.

Local priorities:

Kaimai community

  • Support rural communities with community safety planning, security cameras and neighbourhood support groups
  • Work with groups on walking/cycleway safety
  • Advocate for ultra fast Broadband

Katikati/Waihi Beach

  • Create a hub for youth, using the Katikati Action Centre as a base
  • From this hub create a network of mentors that can connect youth to local businesses
  • For Waihi Beach a ‘connector’ role to create and support a network to collaborate on local projects

Te Puke/Maketu

  • Create signage in different languages to welcome and embrace all cultures
  • Support and facilitate community led food security initiatives
  • Support and facilitate local housing initiatives
  • Support and facilitate a youth hub

Tangata whenua priorities across the WBOP District Council

  • Housing – assist with the Papakainga toolkit and work with hapu to seek grants for infrastructure to support housing development.
  • Continue to invest in Twenty Degrees the Regional Healthy Housing Programme
  • Support training and capacity development through Marae kete (online toolkit)to address the practicalities of administering their marae, internships and funding for hapu management plans
  • Local involvement in projects
  • Maintain and strengthen cultural infrastructure through the marae sustainability fund
  • Water as a taonga – Council will work on stormwater management

For more information please go to