Social Sector Commissioning


commissioning 2 300x197 - Social Sector CommissioningSocial Sector Commissioning
As part of the government’s goal of improving how it works with social service providers, it is planning wide community consultation on Social Sector commissioning in the first half of this year.

An official update was released in August 2020 to describe the improvement work underway across government agencies, mahi being jointly led by the Ministry of Social Development and Oranga Tamariki. In line with the government’s commitment to the ongoing development of strong partnerships with the sector, the update proposed six foundation principles:

  1. Individuals, families, whānau and communities exercise choice
  2. Māori-Crown partnerships are at the heart of effective commissioning
  3. The sector works together locally, regionally and nationally
  4. The sector is sustainable
  5. Decisions and actions are taken transparently
  6. The sector is always learning and improving

In the latest Kia Mauri Ora magazine produced by Social Service Providers Aotearoa(SSPA), the lead ministries outlined three areas of focus for 2021:

  • Developing funding principles and consistent costing approaches
  • Strengthening local, regional and national decisionmaking
  • Finding the right opportunities for rationalised monitoring and more flexible contracts.

NZCCSS will keep you updated on developments.
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