News and Some Blogs

The latest news and information from the social sector.

Volunteers staff new Habitat for Humanity op shop

MEDIA RELEASE Volunteers have been busy setting up racks of clothing and pricing shelves of homewares before a new Habitat for Humanity ReStore op shop opened in Mount Maunganui last week. The shop...

Social Security Amendment Bill – submissions due by noon Fri 24 Jan

By Liz Davies, Chief Executive, SociaLink/Tūhono Pāpori   I hope everyone has had a wonderful break and have been able to soak in the lovely weather as you celebrated the New Year.  At the risk...

Knowing your Worth

Do you know how much it really costs you to deliver a service or programme? If you don’t know the costs of delivering the service, how can you communicate it to others, including funders? Often...
Other Financial Relief

Other Financial Relief

Covid-19 financial relief Good Shepherd have repurposed their NILS no interest loans for people who are financially impacted by Covid-19. Our eligibility criteria will be applied to your situation right now. We can now provide over the phone: Loans for urgent...

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