2024 Tauranga City Council Mayoral and Ward Candidates – Social and Community Sector Responses


SociaLink asked all mayoral and ward candidates the following five questions from a social and community sector perspective. They could leave out any questions they did not want to respond to and the answers are published below, unedited.  Click on the button for the ward(s) you are interested in. 

1. We have been acknowledging all the unpaid/voluntary work and support that happens in our communities during Volunteer Week June 16 – 22nd. What unpaid/voluntary work have you been involved in?

2. What community strengths and assets do you see in Tauranga? How do you think the Council can support them?

3. What do you think Council’s role should be in supporting vulnerable community members?

4. Following a petition presented to TCC recently, councillors may be asked to vote on the installation of Roadway Art [eg a crossing] celebrating our Rainbow community and wider diversity. Would you vote in favour of the motion? Could you briefly outline why you would vote that way?

5. TCC’s Vision and Direction includes a Te Ao Māori approach, ‘understanding and applying key Māori concepts to enhance outcomes for our communities, thereby bringing to life the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.’ As a councillor/mayor how do you see yourself contributing to this?

Read their responses below, by clicking on the ward(s) you are interested in:



Candidates that we didn’t receive answers from:

Mayoral Candidates

Aureliu Braguta

Mahé Drysdale

Chudleigh Haggett

Te Awanui Ward

Mikaere Sydney

Arataki General Ward

Rick Curach

Jeroen Van der Beek

Bethlehem General Ward

Darren Gilchrist

Gerry Hodgson

Matua-Otūmoetai General Ward

Ronald  Chamberlain

Suzie Edmonds

Jim McKinlay

Basie Pikimaui

Kim Pritchard

Mike Rayner

Zach Reeder

Mauao/Mt Maunganui

Garth Mathieson

Jen Scoular

Peter Douglas Stanley (was not sent questions  due to no email address provided)

Pāpāmoa General Ward

Bryan Archer

Phil Coleman

Steve Morris

Shelley Robb

Te Papa General Ward

Mark Decke

Chudleigh Haggett

Reihana Marx

Jim Smith

Tauriko General Ward

Marten Rozeboom

Welcome Bay General Ward

Aureliu Braguta

Ethan Brinkman

Robert Coe

Cameron Templer