Social agencies discuss effect of Budget on child poverty


CPAG 300x150 - Social agencies discuss effect of Budget on child poverty

What does the Budget mean for the local social sector, and children living in poverty in New Zealand?

The Western Bay of Plenty branch of the Child Poverty Action Group supported by SociaLink are hosting a discussion on May 24 for social agencies to hear the national organisation’s analysis of the 2022 Budget.

Shining The Light on Child Poverty will include three speakers – Alan Johnson, National Deputy Convenor for CPAG, Hana Seddon, a social worker from the Salvation Army and senior associate at the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies and economic inequality commentator Max Rashbrooke.

CPAG is a charity founded in 1994 which works to eliminate child poverty in New
Zealand through research, education and advocacy. The CPAG Regional Network for the Western Bay has become a well established collaborative, under the umbrella of CPAG National.

It says the Covid-19 pandemic has placed a disproportionate burden on those in our communities who are least resourced to weather the storm. Increasing inflationary pressures are further widening the gap and increasing the pressure on families.