New Organisational Advisor for SociaLink


Christa George is the new Organisational Advisor for SociaLink.
SociaLink is the umbrella organisation for social agencies and charities in the Bay of Plenty.

Christa has more than 25 years’ experience working in executive management teams across the education and health sectors in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

After five years working for the University of Waikato, based at the Tauranga Campus, Christa is keen to move into the social services sector.

“I’m altruistic by nature so an opportunity to work in the social sector helping people sits nicely with my business skills.”

Christa has been involved in various not-for-profit organisations, both as a member and on boards, and understands the challenges in providing the best social services with minimal resources.

As Organisational Advisor, Christa is looking forward to working with social and community organisations to strengthen their services within the community.

“I can assist with business needs, such as strategic and operational planning, organisational change, governance, marketing, finance, staff and volunteer management or if the next steps are unsure, an organisational needs assessment is available.”

She already has about a dozen referrals from organisations looking for help setting themselves up, having a needs assessment or setting policies.

Christa George 234x300 - New Organisational Advisor for SociaLinkContact Christa at