SociaLink’s AGM


Thursday 23 September at 4pm

Guest speakers:

Amohaere Tangitu followed by Tessa Mackenzie – Bi-cultural governance in practice – the journey so far.  An adaptation of the Two House Model. Watch the video 15 mins

Keep checking back as we will be posting the other videos very soon…….

Pouroto Ngaropo is the past Chair of the Maori Health Runanga Bay of Plenty District Health Board and was at the forefront of the creation and implementation of TeToi Ahorangi alongside the Amorangi Kahui Kaumatua Elders across the Bay of Plenty District Health mai I Nga Kuri a Wharei Ki Tihirau. Watch the video – 29 mins

Pete Chandler, BOPDHB CEO for the adoption of Te Toi Ahorangi as the Māori Health Strategy. Watch the video  31 minutes