These resources aim to provide some help in this constant time of change.
Stress related effects can include struggling to find motivation to do anything; dips in mood, irritability, fatigue, anxiety, depression and so on.
The following articles and resources provide some suggestions on general personal and workplace wellbeing, including on working remotely.
At the end is a list of organisations that provide workplace services including counselling and employee assistance programmes.
Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini
My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success but success of a collective
Maintaining Social Wellbeing in Aotearoa-New Zealand during Covid-19: Seven Reasons to be hopeful.
This publication by Professor Richie Poulton and Atawhai Tibble is a team-up to provide a mix of scientific and personal reflection on the nature of hope and its importance in the time of Covid-19. Published by the Social Wellbeing Agency and written in May 2020 it’s still very pertinent. Based on findings from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study (1000 members studied since 1972) and reflections on experiences of whānau and family; and how communities have risen to meet the common good.
Prioritising our wellbeing when our causes keep demanding more article
by Vicki Evans, Certified Coach June 4 2020 –published by Hui E Community Aotearoa
This article asks what would happen if we served ourselves and invested more time and energy in our own well-being as we work with our causes and communities.
Workplace and Personal Wellbeing Resources
All Right?
All Right? developed in Canterbury in 2013 to support the psychosocial recovery of people following the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011. It’s a collaboration between Canterbury DHB and the Mental Health Foundation
It has lots of information and suggestions including on the workplace: designed to help you to promote a supportive environment for your employees throughout this trying time. https://www.allright.org.nz/workplace
Just A Thought
Just a Thought offers free evidence based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) online and is designed for people with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression. CBT teaches people how to control their emotions, thoughts and behaviours to improve their mental health.
It has three courses – one called Staying on Track created to support New Zealanders with their mental and emotional wellbeing through this time of uncertainty.
The tool was developed by a team of clinicians and researchers from St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney and University of New South Wales. It was purchased by the Wise Group in NX and enhanced and adapted for the New Zealand Environment and people.
NZ Psychological Society
lots of resources related to Covid-19 on its website, including mental health and wellbeing,
Ignite Resources
Ignite Aotearoa is a wellbeing social eterprise backed by Emerge Aotearoa. The resources cover common causes of stress among employees, responding to distress, role of managers and lots of tools. www.ignite.org.nz/learn?searchFilters=Work
Whakatau Mai – The Wellbeing Sessions – free online zoom community events
Free virtual community events aimed at supporting wellbeing, organised by Changing Minds in association with the Ministry of Health. The diverse sessions invite you to connect with others, learn and practice new skills and start to look at things differently, one conversation at a time, all from the comfort of your own space. Sessions are run regularly and include: Flexible Fitness lunch time sessions; Lets get talking drop in support group; Burning off burnout, Mindful journaling and Heal my heart.
Information and Resources on Working Remotely
Deloitte has extensive experience working remotely and it has developed this ready to use summary to share its experience and best practices. https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/de/Documents/human-capital/Remote-Collaboration-COVID-19.pdf
Working Well at Home
is a collective dedicated to supporting you achieve your flow state while working at home. Its mission is to be a simple one stop hub that provides you with useful, relevant information and resources that enable you to think, feel and perform at your best so you can get stuff done and be a bad ass home worker.
Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP) services
There are several Employment Assistance Services which offer one to one counselling, training and critical incident response services
a nationwide organisation with a Tauranga branch: www.eapservices.co.nz
Tauranga EAP – 147 Cameron Road
Ph: 0800 327 669
Bay Counselling and Therapy Service
Counselling for individuals, couples and families in Tauranga.
Bay Counselling and Therapy Service
Their counsellors work with OCP, EAP Works, Instep, Benestar, EAP Services and have direct contracts with several local organisations to provide counselling. They provide outstanding service for a very competitive price. If your company would like to explore how an EAP program might benefit the company and staff please get in touch and they will discuss it with you.
OCP Employee Assistance
Canterbury based but offers a nationwide network of mental health and other professional services. They will also help with critical incident response and provide training – pre-developed 2 hour courses:
- Managing Stress and Building Resilience
- Managing Performance
- Working with Teammates
- Outplacement Support
- Why Me, Why Change
- Time Management
- Balancing Life and Work
- Retirement Planning
- Managing Your Money
- Drug and Alcohol Reasonable Cause
All of OCP’s program literature, informational brochures & pamphlets are free of charge to client organisations, and articles and other resources are available to everyone.
0800 377 990
Raise (formerly EAPWorks)
A network of EAP practitioners, counsellors, psychologies and other relevant providers operating throughout New Zealand, who promote positive work communities. They have lots of downloadable resources in their resource library such as:
- Mental health and wellbeing
- The workplace
- Trauma
- Stress and resilience
- Relationships and communications
- Change and transitions
Instep has been providing EAP services since 1998. They provide EAP, Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace programmes, Incident Support. Instep EAP is just one of the wellbeing solutions offered by Skills Consulting Group, including:
- Professional supervision
- Back on your feet
- Speak up
- Outplacement and career transition.
TELUS Health (was Benestar)
committed to building the healthiest workplaces on the planet, offering employers a range of scalable services and tools that can help keep their teams healthy, happy and productive
Brave in Business
is an e-learning series that aims to help small business owners deal with stress, particularly around prioritising their time.
The programme includes six videos focused on two main themes: prioritising when you are overwhelmed; and being in the right headspace for success. The videos and accompanying downloadable resources and check-in tools are aimed at small business owners struggling with running a company in uncertain times and trying to find some work-life balance.
Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand
are committed to an Aotearoa where we can all feel good and do well. Find tools and support to build and sustain wellbeing.
They use two key models of wellbeing to help us understand what we need to do as individuals, whānau, communities and as a society to ensure we can all enjoy good mental wellbeing. These models are Te Whare Tapa Whā and Five Ways to Wellbeing