People and Volunteers
People and volunteer management is the process of hiring, leading and developing team members and volunteers to support the organisation’s overall mission. Staffing accounts for the biggest expenditure item for most organisations.
This section covers the management of staff, competence, talent and culture in an organisation. It includes, recruitment and selection, health and safety and wellbeing, employment relations, organisational development, remuneration and rewards, and learning and development. In the social sector this often also includes the management of volunteers.
He aha te mea nui o te ao
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people
Staff and Volunteer Management
Do Good Jobs
A jobs board to connect people who want to do good in the world with paid and volunteer roles at NGOs, charities and social enterprises in New Zealand.
Local jobs in the social sector in the western Bay of Plenty are often advertised on SociaLink vacancies see https://socialink.org.nz/legacy/about-us/vacancies/
New Zealand’s national body for workplace diversity, equity and inclusion. They exist to help organisations enhance workplace inclusion.
Employment for disabled people
Employment NZ information to help remove barriers to employment for disabled people.
Worksafe – Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa
Government website with extensive health and safety information including how the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 affects organisations and its workers. To start see https://www.worksafe.govt.nz/managing-health-and-safety/getting-started
Health and Safety obligations for clubs, societies and charitable trusts
Article on how the Health and Safety at Work Act relates to charitable trust and societies
What is a healthy workplace? Search for information according to your own search criteria.
Read article on why investing in physical and mental health and wellbeing of your workforce creates a healthy workplace and is simply good business.
Work-life balance
A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Work-life balance.
Talks to help you manage stress
Sometimes life can feel like a bit of a mess, but these TED talks are here to help you de-stress.
Recruitment, Selection and Induction
Recruitment, selection & induction
Video clip explaining recruitment, selection and Induction
Employment Relations
Employment New Zealand – Know your employment rights
The leading source of information on employment in New Zealand, part of Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE). It covers starting employment, hours and wages, workplace policies, resolving problems and ending employment.
Remuneration and Rewards
Hours and wages
Employment NZ information
5 things that motivate your employees more than money – Things that motivate people besides pay.
Volunteer Management
Best Practice Guidelines for Volunteers
Check out the new Best Practice Guidelines | Te Anga Whaitake.
The seven practice areas cover: what volunteers need, what good practice looks like, and actions organisations can take. We have chosen practical resources for each practice area – these are linked at the end of the webpage for each area.
Employment NZ: Volunteers
Read about who is a volunteer and why they are not covered by employment law.
Safety at work for volunteers
Fact sheet explaining how the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 applies to volunteers.
Volunteering Services
Connecting volunteers with non-profits, community groups and local businesses that actively engage in volunteering. Much research has been done on the social and economic impacts of volunteering in the community. Volunteering is important for individual wellbeing and has a significant positive impact on people in marginalised, vulnerable or disadvantaged communities and cultural groups. – https://www.volunteeringservices.org.nz/
Volunteering NZ
- Leadership & Management
Evaluate and improve your volunteer workforce’s impact - Reports and research
Inclusive of State of Volunteering in NZ report
Articles (in general)
See https://www.hrinz.org.nz/news
Human Resources Institute of NZ news bulletin with frequently new articles on the HR topics
HRD (Human Resource Director) is an online source of news, opinion and analysis about HR issues.