Funding your organisation
Most community organisations rely to some extent on philanthropic, Lotteries and Gaming Trust funding.
Funders’ websites provide information on what they will and will not fund and most applications are online so you can apply directly without talking to staff, but an organisation’s funding application is likely to be more successful if you talk to staff first who can guide you on what to apply for, how much and other details.
Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket the people will live
Māori Proverb
Free Access to Grants Database Available
Tauranga City Council has purchased access to GEM Local for up to 150 Tauranga community organisations. GEM Local is a grants database designed specifically to help small New Zealand community organisations find the right grants and plan their fundraising.
GEM Local provides:
- An always current customised grants calendar finding JUST the grants relevant to your organisation, according to what you do, where you do it and your legal status
- Full access to all New Zealand grant and funder records on your personalised grants calendar
- Ability to track progress of your applications including when funder reports are due
- Additional email alerts on deadlines
- Practical tip sheets, videos and writing samples, including monthly emails with tips specifically for GEM Local subscribers
- Key administration ‘to do’s’ and guide to setting up your online presence
- Cloud-based software, accessible from anywhere
If you want to register for GEM Local email: gemlocal@strategicgrants.co.nz
One to One Funding Help
Do you need some advice on your funding applications? Someone to cast an eye over your application before you lodge it? Or maybe you’re starting from scratch and need some direction. SociaLink can provide some advice and assistance.
Contact: tracy@socialink.org.nz
Popular Funders
Acorn Foundation
There are a variety of ways that the Acorn Foundation provides funding to the community. There is an annual round of distributions, where applications begin in May and money is awarded in August. Recipients can either be chosen by specific donors (called tagged) or selected by our the Distributions Committee, based on the greatest needs in the community as determined by the latest Vital Signs research.
For more information see the website: https://www.acornfoundation.org.nz
Bay Trust
Bay Trust’s purpose is:
To accelerate bold meaningful change, assisting BOP communities and the environment to flourish. Their priorities are:
See more information on their website: www.baytrust.org.nz
TECT funding works to support the people, places and projects making a difference in our community here in the Western Bay of Plenty and Tauranga.TECT has a number of different funding schemes to assist community organisations with their initiatives.
Find out more about TECT on their website: www.tect.org.nz
Tindall Foundation
The Acorn Foundation distributes funds on behalf of The Tindall Foundation in both the Western BOP and Eastern BOP regions.
Contact the Acorn Foundation for more information about this fund. www.acornfoundation.org.nz/funding
Lottery Grants Board
The Lottery Grants Board website hosts a range of grants that are administered by the Department of Internal Affairs and available to the community. Key funding objectives are designed to ensure lottery grants will contribute towards the vision of “New Zealanders building strong sustainable communities together”. Make sure you read the information thoroughly before you apply. Advisors are available to speak with you about your needs by phone and sometimes agree to a visit.
A list of trusts who allocate gamiing funds is available on www.communitymatters.govt.nz/community-organisations-grants-scheme/