Effective administration is essential to your organisation. Managing information, records, and making sure you have relevant policies and procedures in place helps with the smooth running of your organisation.
He aha te mea nui o te ao What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata It is the people, it is the people, it is the people
Māori Proverb
General Information
Continuity Plans
Your organisation continuity plan should contain all of the information you need to get your organisation running again after an incident or crisis. https://community.net.nz/resources/nz-navigator/creating-an-organisation-continuity-plan/
Effective Complaint Handling
The Ombudsman Office in Parliament has a range of documents that are very helpful in dealing with complaints. Effective complaint handling And Managing unreasonable complaint conduct. This is a full manual of information.
How to write case notes
Creating useful, accurate and dependable records
Ever struggled with your client notes?
What? How much? how to lay out? language to use?
Here’s a resource that may help you.
From’ what is a case note to legal requirements and exercises to help you to improve.
Download the document here
Record Keeping
MOH – NGO Health and Disability Network
A quick guide to record keeping
Creating useful, accurate and dependable records
Record keeping is one of those things that most people don’t often think about, but if you don’t get it right, the consequencies could be huge for your organisation. Have a look at these quick checklists to make sure you’re keeping everything you need to.