Research About The Sector





2021 New Zealand Cause Report: Philanthropy

The report provides an analysis of the environment in which charities and not-for-profit organisations operate, at a macro and detailed level including an in-depth examination of 19 different cause areas. Download at

Towards better social sector decision making and practice

Centre for Social Impact

Helps grant-makers and funders invest for impact, and enables their community partners to turn that investment into inspiring and sustainable social change.

– what is the Future for NGO Goverance? 2019

Centre for Social Data Analytics, Auckland University of Technology

Fosters a vision of leveraging data science to improve outcomes for vulnerable populations. Uses large, rich sets of data to complete research on significant social issues that concern policy makers worldwide.

Productivity Commission

Report: Together alone: A review of joined-up social services (February 2022)

The Productivity Commission asked consulting economist Julie Fry to review the recent progress of joined-up social services as part of our A fair chance for all inquiry. This is her report (February 2022) called Together alone: a review of joined up social services.

Measuring Value

Sport NZ’s Research report looking at how value is measured in the non-profit sector in Aotearoa New Zealand.

True to label: Measuring value in the non-profit sector in Aotearoa New Zealand, written by John Page, Sport NZ June 2018

Social Service Providers Aotearoa (SSPA)

Funded a report in 2019 by Martin Jenkins ‘Social Service System: the Funding Gap and How to Bridge it.”

State of the Social Sector 2022

Community and Voluntary Sector Survey Report 2022 compiled by Community Networks Aotearoa.

Members of the community and voluntary sector focus on the wellbeing of those in need, however we believe not enough focus is given to the wellbeing of the community and voluntary sector. This survey report aims to rectify this, with telling results both accumulative and individual, as we analyse statistics while spotlighting comments volunteered by sector participants.

Download the full report:



SociaLink Tauranga Moana

SociaLink serves the social and community sector in the Western Bay of Plenty.

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