SociaLink Research

Survey Report:
Social & Community Service Providers on Funding and Service Demand
SociaLink asked organisations in the WBOP sector what they were experiencing regarding income, Government contracts, the demand for services, community needs and the impact of funding changes on clients and community. Read the summary here or full report here.
Oct 2024

Western Bay of Plenty Social Issues Report
The nature and prevalence of social issues such as family harm, drug and alcohol addiction, violence and abuse, poverty and mental illness in the Western Bay of Plenty significantly impacts on the well being and productiveness of our communities.

Client Experience of Accessing Social Services
Listening to consumers of social services is recognised as important to better understand how to improve access to services and service delivery.

Impact of Inflation on community organisations and communities
SociaLink has now collated relevant research alongside the survey to gain insight on the impact of inflation locally. Read the news release and full report here.
March 2022

Pay Equity Survey Outcomes Report
The Pay Equity Survey asked staff in the social sector in the Western Bay of Plenty to comment on pay equity issues during May 2019 with the survey distributed via the SociaLink database and social media.

Mapping the Social Sector 2019
The findings of this report provide a valuable tool to identify, develop and facilitate pathways toward greater collaboration and capacity within the sector, and relationships within other sectors such as business and creative.

Report on Training and Workforce Development Needs
A review of organisations in the social and community sectors in the Western Bay of Plenty. Read the summary here or full report here.

Report on Waiting Lists for Social Services
A scan of the social housing, mental health and education sectors which often have interconnected needs, reveals shortfalls in capacity for a variety of reasons.

COVID-19 Western Bay of Plenty Social Sector Survey Findings
Social sector agencies respond to our survey following COVID-19 lockdown.