Year: 2023

Mentoring takes people further

SociaLink, the umbrella organisation for the western Bay’s social agencies and charities, offers mentoring opportunities for not-for-profit organisations to help them grow their staff.SociaLink Mentoring Coordinator Jo Weise says she’d love to hear from anyone with...

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Learning personal resilience and volunteering

About 40 keen volunteers and potential volunteers turned out to learn about building their personal resilience and opportunities to share their skills in the community at SociaLink’s Feel Good by Doing Good workshop this week.SociaLink general manager Li Davies said...

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Volunteering – it’s good for your health

Helping others by volunteering is good for strengthening your mental health, and it could win you a grocery voucher as well as a new lease on life. SociaLink, the umbrella organisation for the Western Bay of Plenty social sector, is running a free workshop for...

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Want to feel good? Give back to your community

SociaLink, the umbrella organisation for the Western Bay of Plenty social sector, is running a free workshop for potential volunteers next month - and it’s hoping to attract people who may not have volunteered before. Feel Good by Doing Good: How to be a helping hand...

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Community Governance Learning 2022

Here is a compilation of all of the Board Talks held by Community Governance in 2022 in one handy pack. It's full of tips and resources for you to read when you need it. Featuring: Don’t Just Rely on the Treasurer Governance Pathways and What it Takes to be a Board...

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Tales from the Trenches

“Tales from the trenches: The realities of housing in New Zealand” is the latest report from The Salvation Army’s Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit released today. This report shows seven stories from whanau and individuals we walk along side and the challenges...

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