Incorporated Societies Bill


Here is our summary of some of the key changes:

  • The minimum number of members is to be reduced from 15 to 10. This list of a minimum of 10 will need to be updated and current. At the moment there is no obligation to do this.
  • If your organisations memberships falls under the minimum number you will have six months to bring your membership back up.
  • Officer duties and responsibilities need to be clearly stated and clarified in your constitution.
  • There are clear qualifying requirements for all your officers.
  • Clear dispute resolution procedures/process are to be included in your constitution.
  • Societies financial statements will need to be in accordance with accounting standards as issued by the XRB (depending on the size of the organisation).
  • Must operate for no financial gain for any individual.
  • Interests, and conflicts of interests, to be declared and kept on a register, the register to be up to date and presented at your AGM.
  • All societies will need to re-register to comply with the new Act and it is anticipated there will be a transitional period of approx. 4 years from the new Act being passed.   Those who don’t re-register will cease to exist.
  • The Act will give provision for societies to amalgamate.
  • You will require one named person to be the point of contact for the Registrar.
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For guidance on how to make a submission please read our HOW TO guide  then head on over the New Zealand Parliament website for information about the process, read the bill  and and submit your views.  Remember you can submit as an individual and as a group.