
Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities (BBHTC)

National Science Challenge

This National Science Challenge’s mission is to help transform dwellings and places where people live into homes and communities that are hospitable, productive, and protective. Our vision is to create built environments that build communities. To create homes, neighbourhoods, towns, and cities that enrich people’s lives, allowing them to reach their social, cultural, and economic potential.

Guided by the principles of mātauranga, the Challenge seeks innovative, affordable, and flexible solutions for our homes, towns and cities. This will enable us to create residential environments that suit the needs of our multi-cultural society. Included among these are effects of accelerating climate change and dynamic population shifts.

The Challenge parties will partner with industry, iwi, communities, and government, both local and central, to deliver robust evidence. They will also seek to improve end-to-end industry and regulatory processes.


Special Edition Open Access: Housing at the heart

Open Access: Housing at the heart of place, people and population Ko te whare noho kei te iho o te wāhi, te tangata me te taupori, New Zealand Population Review, Vol 47 2021.

This special issue of the New Zealand Population Review focuses on housing, published. For decades, Aotearoa New Zealand and its people have been burdened with an emerging housing crisis as well as a significant reframing of issues associated with housing. Until recently, housing stressors and homelessness were largely framed as a private problem and expressed in terms of housing problems that reflected personal resource deficiencies, inadequacies and pathologies. Recently, the shift in framing of housing issues has involved the recentring of housing to be a public issue. The housing system itself has been recognised as precarious and inadequate in addressing unmet housing needs which puts future individuals, families, households, whanau, and communities at risk.
