Marketing and Communications
Clear and concise communication is essential to ensuring your organisation’s message is delivered effectively, to the right audience, at the right time. It also covers the internal communications of the organisation. Marketing communication tools include advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, sponsorship, communications, public relations, social media, customer journey and promotion.
In the social sector an organisation needs to communicate with a range of audiences, from service users, local advocates and the wider community, to funders, other organisations and the Government. In order to do this effectively, you’ll need to have a toolkit of content to adapt to each situation.
SociaLink’s Mapping the Social Sector research shows that marketing and promotion in the social sector is the most common area needing support. Below are some resources as a starting point.
There are several organisations with free resources that cater specifically to the social sector and cover a wide range of topics to ensure your communication efforts are effective and efficient.
Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini
My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success but success of a collective
Māori Proverb
General Information
Community Comms Collective
The Community Comms Collective helps people to help others, and has a comprehensive resources section.
CommunityNet Aotearoa
Community Net is an online hub of resources, designed to strengthen communities.
A marketing plan is a roadmap introducing and delivering your services to service users and other stakeholders.
Essential elements of a marketing plan
Short article on all elements of a marketing plan.
What Is a Marketing Plan?
A quick overview of the main points of the marketing plan.
TED Talks on marketing
When you have a great organisation or idea, how do you let the world know? These TED Talks share the latest thinking on how to spread a message in our hyperconnected world.
TED Talks
A collection of Ted Talks on all matters relating to communication.
Words and Language
Writing skills – Community Comms Collective
Guidance and resources to promote clarity, improve skills, and avoid mistakes in written communication.
Digital content and plain language
The guidance from digital.govt.nz is based on best-practice advice for the public sector digital content. The guidance can be used to check, update and /or add to your own organisation’s guidelines. There’s information on how to use plain language; style, grammar, and punctuation; readability and inclusive writing; and useful tools for content designers.
Writing words for your website – TechSoup
A one hour webinar walking you through the fundamentals of content creation, how to find the phrases to tick Google’s boxes (aka SEO), creating a content plan and common content mistakes. https://www.techsoup.net.nz/learn/articles/webinar-recording-writing-words-your-website
Tools and resources – write.co.nz
Free tools to help you write clearly, make a good impression, and meet your communication goals.
What does a good communications strategy look like?
Slide share from presentation “Creating Powerful Communications Strategies” a Charity Comms seminar.
Communicating via the media
Information on how to communicate with newspapers, online, TV or radio to get your message out. Includes the media release template and a media interview chatlist.
Communication Strategy and Planning
Strategy and planning – Communication Comms Collective
A selection of videos, articles, and templates to assist you with all aspects of developing and writing your communications strategy and plan.
Read and Tools
Your Communications Plan – CommunityNet Aotearoa
A simple communications plan, which also includes some templates.
How to Effectively Communicate Your Strategy
Short video to clarify how to communicate your strategy.
SociaLink often runs training and development workshops on communications – check out our upcoming workshops here.
Branding for Non Profit Organisations: The Definitive Guide
There are lots of differences between non profit branding and branding for commercial organisations.