Research directs us towards a better understanding of how to better meet the needs of our communities and the value and contribution of the social sector.
Here you will find links to credible sources and other information we hope will be of use and interest.
These pages will be continually updated and added to, so check back regularly.

SociaLink Research
SociaLink undertakes or participates in research from time to time to provide insight and to support the mahi or work of the social sector in the Western Bay of Plenty..

Topic Based Research
Below are links to published research and other evidence based information by topic.

Research Sources
related to social and community issues.

Open Access Journals
related to social and community issues.

Interesting Pieces of Research
Ad hoc research that may be of use
Uhia te korowai kahui ki te iwi hei tauawhi, hei akiaki ki te ao angitu