Jake Van Silfhout – Data Analyst
Jacob, known as Jake, (Ngāti Pūkenga, Ngāti Ranginui) is Tauranga born and bred and
because of his parents’ jobs, started his working life in the horticulture industry. Then he
trained in electrical, electronic and software engineering and taught these subjects at both
Toi Ohomai and Waikato University.
He’s continued in software engineering working for not-for-profits, including Māori arts and
crafts helping with their data management. He was also involved in Māori organisations
helping them to understand health and Covid initiatives.
He works part-time as a data analyst for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and is looking
forward to working across our Community Insights and Whakamana Tangata teams.
“I am looking forward to engaging with the marae, hapū and iwi across the Bay and using my
skills in technology and data analytics to help strengthen and grow Māori capabilities.”