



School of Population Health, University of Auckland

Areas of research include social and community health (eg addiction,mental health, family violence, health promotion); Pacific health, health systems, general practice and primary health care; growing up in New Zealand.

Massey University Population health and policy research

Includes research centres health literacy, communication and social justice, healthy ageing, Māori health, public health and health promotion, public health nutrition. Centres include Health and Ageing Research Team, Infections Disease Research Centre, Research Centre for Māori Health and Development | Te Pūmanawa Hauora; SHORE and Whāriki Research Centre

Department of Public Health Research, University of Otago

Carries out a range of critical public health issues that include cancer and screening, healthy eating, health services research and prioritisation, housing, sustainability and the environment, inequalities, infectious diseases, Māori health and tobacco. Includes groups such as Aspire2025 (tobacco free Aotearoa); Cancer and Chronic Conditions (C3) Research Group; Health Inequalities Research Programme; He Kainga Oranga/Housing and Health Research Programme and Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora A Eru Pōmare.

Wellington Faculty of Health, Victoria University of Wellington

Research in a broad range of areas and includes the Health Services Research Centre and Centre for Women’s Health Research.